PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
6:33 PM
Peeeeeeeppppppp!! I am HEREEE! Missing my blog, my msn, and everything! (: I dun think i will be blogging as life is diffcult already which means i already in NA not NT.. SAD SAD SAD!! But i prefers the life i having is Normal Technical as life is easy for me :x HEHEHE! Alrights, i will stops hereeee. JUST TO TELL YOU THAT LIFE IS NOT EASY! Byyyyyyeeess
Sunday, June 28, 2009
9:12 PM
YOOO MAN! ^^ Tomorrow school start already!! OH MAN! Still not preparing for school tomorrow!! BYYYYEEESS! Gonnna to pack my thingsss!! SIANN!
7:23 PM
YO PEOPLE! Yesterday[250609] went Somerset with Arthur, Juncong, Ernest and his tutor,WeiTjing. WeiTjing asked us out for movie cos he will be flying to China, beijing to study in August. So he decided to treat us movie. HEHE. WE watched Transformer 2. IT damn nice and Cool . It all about the robots fighing one another and also like for example: CAR CHANGE TO ROBOTS. And that is why the movie calls Transformer 2. GET WHAT I MEANS PEOPLE?? In the cinema, there were crowed of people. Then went inside. So many pple if even not one seat is left. Lucky WeiTjing booked the tickets. HOW MANY U RATE FOR THE MOVIE? 3stars? 4stars? 5 stars? Maybe i should give 4stars? LOLS? Then went for dinner at food court downstairs. Arthur and i shared the food. Then we both order pasta which it costs $7.. Then Weijing order another food which it fish and chip. Later not enough food.. YUMMY YUMMY. Then chit chat and went home. . Todae went to Bukit Merah to return library books. Then mummy calls. She already at Bukit Merah which it on the lift. dunnno how to say. Then blah blah. Then sign up for tuition. Then someone asks me to play computer or games. But i need my mom permission.... Then can liao. Then i smsed Arthur whether i can join them for pool. Then he replied, of course! Then stopped playing computer and take 272 to SAFRA. Then saw my brothers and his friends and CHANYING AND JANICE +_=! Then chit chat with them. But suddenly ernest wann to talk dirty minder. SO MADDNESSSSS! I dun want to write already. Byyyyeeessss!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
4:52 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
11:01 PM
Todae went bugis with yanxin for self study. We agreed to meet at bugis MRT but she was now where... So i smsed her. but she replied,'' BJ. i was lookin at magazines''. LOL Then went looked for her... But i cant find the shop name ''BJ''? Then i looked around but i only saw got one shop selling magazines but i didnt see her there... So i smsed her again where she was?? Then i was speechless... So i arranged her to meet at KFC but she couldnt find it! Then i was liked ... AIYAA!! lets meet at MRT lah .... Then saw her already. So went to mc donald.. Saw Chanying there.. and arron and his cousin. dunnno his name. Then we went inside cos too HOTT!! Hahahas! So i buy food $4.50 sia but i asked for upsized. But i dun damned understand what the man was trying to say!! Then i just said anyhow... LOL Then do homework actually it not like homework it just like yanxin is the teacher while i student... Get what i means? :X Then do until like 3.30pm. Then asked arthur to fetch me to where he was... Then i asked him to carry the mac cup.. But suddenly drop on the floor. STUPID HIM!! Then the cup glass broken sia... +_=''' Then watched them playing computer. But then i want played but dunno just to save money :x Then Chanying asked me whether i want to play! Then i say YESSS!! Cox i wanna play audition mah.. But my audition had been suspened! And even my maple also): Then went to ACCAREDD GAMES! But we played that thing dunnoo what that called! We have been trying to get the PSP 3.. LOL! Arthur said we get the PSP 3 can sell and divied equally.. LOL?? Then i was liked HUH?? Then in the end no PSP 3! LOL?? BUT I WANNNT! Then went walked around the whole bugis junction.... just joking wor (: Then see handphone.. played handphone.. Then iivy smsed abt the voucher.. $$6 leh! So went tiong bahru... Find find find but no avail ... Then she replied it was under the pole.. But i checked.. dun have .. I-T I-S E-M-P-T-Y ! Then arthur checked again.. Found liao! it sticked under the pole that why cant see!! So sian!Should have asked her to put in the toilet leh! Simple lah! HEHE Then went level 2 to take the vouchers! Then went level 3 to see something.. Wasting my times leh!! And my bag is heavy!! So i went home first sia...... Reached home around 7.45pm. That quite longg! I have to stop hereeee already! Byyyyyeeeessss!
Monday, June 22, 2009
8:26 PM
Yoyoyooooo! I AM HEREEEEE! Sorry for the late posting :( Oh yeah! lets talk about the 20.06.09 which it on last saturday. We went Harbourfant MRT to meet Mosses for the cakes. Then met Yinking and Chanying there. Then go vivo city to exchange slipper which it red. coz Rachel like red? right? Then buy wrapper for JiaYi present.. Then met Ernest there. Throw the volleyball to scared us! ''SIAN''! Then went bus interchange to take bus 188 to iivy house. Then reached there around 30 minutes. DAMN FAST! Then press number 9, then met iivy. She was blocking us that her house is messy and in renovation. So i pushed her... HAHAHA! Then went inside. But i only saw diyana in iivy's room. LOL? But her room damn messy lah... NEVER keep properly. Then went to the basketball court to play captainball... Play play until around 30mins cox need water sia. Then blah blah cos forget liao! HEHE! :X . . Then dinner time! I wondering why so little food then realise that got BBQ.. SO SHOCKED LEH! Then in the end no BBQ cox of the stupid weather!! I wanting to have BBQ.. It beeen sometimes i have been BBQ +_=''' Then iivy's mother cooks satays!!! MY FAVOURITEEE!!!!!!! Then next is BIRTHDAY GIRLS AND BOYS! They are iivy, rachel, jiayi, patrick and ellias! But not their real birthday! Actually it on July! Then sang birthday songs! The worse things is we have to sang 6 times! OMG!! Then keep looking at iivy cox of her present! I want to take away! HAHAH! U KNOWS WHAT IS THAT?? IT IS ..... POLARIOD CAMERA! 20JUNE09 is the awesome and happiness days i ever had! ! ! I CANT WAIT ON MY BIRTHDAY!! LOL?
Friday, June 19, 2009
11:24 AM
YEEPPPPPPP! I'm back yeas! It been time time since i never blog yeas. Well, i been busy study and watching tv... Must watch the show BROTHERHOOD every weekdays at 3.30pm. It is super touching!! MUST NOT MISS THAT SHOW HOR! I am here to blog to stay it alive :D LOL? What to blog ah? Hope that holiday wont end it... (I dont think leh?) Nothing to post already! Oh well! i gonna to eat my lunch! Will online in afternoon(: Byyyyyyeeessss!:x
Saturday, June 13, 2009
11:11 PM
Peeeeepppp! Yesterday night, i played games with SISSY AH MA! I gave my ah ma tis nickname.. [120609] COOL?? right? Then we played reversi. But i kept lossing and lossing. Then in the end i won! That was my first time winning reversi! YAYAYAY! Then sleep liao... so tired man! . . In the afternoon, busy stuying and studying... But it hard to understand. I need someone to coach me! It mights gonna to be tough for me sia... Mummy has been nagging woman sia since i promoted to NA man! IF only i never go to NA, LIFE will be easier for me... HEHHE''
Friday, June 12, 2009
8:08 PM
Yeeepppp! Just woke up in the morning at 10am. Then ate lunch... Then bathe and gets ready to go to school sia. Cause to collect the books bah for NA man! To u really think i can passs and will not drop to NT? Just wondering lor -_-'' Then reached to school. Then saw Prerana lor. Then collected the books and it was DAMN heavy sian. And i got to carry the books all the way home man. My goodness! If u will carry my books, sure cannot carry sian! HAHAHAHS! If only my father in singapore, he will carry the books home. Hehehhe! So sorry for writing the short notice as there is nothing to write!Do takes me OUT! really bored to death liao!! BUT needs to catch up with my studies at NA is really tough man! PLAY COMPUTER LESS AND STUDIES MORE! Well, that all for todae man.... Byyyyesss
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
10:39 PM
Peeeeepppp! Just back from my bathing. Sorry for not posting for the past two days. xD! . . On the 080609 which it on monday, went to ice skating at kallang Leisure Park with my cousins around 10am. Then enter liao. Then skates skates until so much FUN! We only played for two hours sia. After 2 hours which it at 12pm, we went for lunch. Then decided to eat at KFC! Hmmm, Yummy!Yummy! It been ages i been eating KFC. But then not afraid of growing FAT! Hahahahs! Then played arcade games. Then went to my aunt house to stay for one night! Then we watched a movie. The title of the show is ''Just follow Law''. That show really damn funny. Hahahas! Then dinner sia. AND ate VEGETERIAN fried rice! It was DAMN delicious and couldnt stop eating. LOL? Then 7pm, we played games. but dunno the titile of the game. It like the Monopoly games. Then played until like 9plus? Then xinhui(cousin) wanna played computer liao. . . The next day, 090609 which it on tueday, we have to wake up early 7.30am to have breakfast at Mc donalds. Then my younger cousin, keesha went for tuition while we all went supermarket. Then my cousins went 7 eleven to see something. Then walked back home. Then bathes. And gets ready to go for karaoke at Downtown east. We took a bus there. Then when in. It really cold leh!! Seems like 10 degrees? LOL? Then we all sang and sang until 2pm. We sang like crazy.. Hahahas! Then walked walked around. Then buys something at NTUC cos my aunt's family gonna to JB tomorrow sia. Then take bus went back home. Then watched channel 8 drama show( Fallen angel). Then go to basketball court played basketball! We had lots of fun and we sweat alot! Then dinner sia. It had been the best memories i had ever had! It been ages i had FUN with my cousin! Hehehe! I will stop here it already late sia =] Byeeeessss!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
6:30 PM
Back here again! Hmmmp, wads to post already?? Whats i am doing now? Hahahas! WEBCAMING to IVY x) We played games (Reversi) I keeping losing many times. Anyway, i will try my best to beat her in future no matter how hard is it! Then played clicking game. You knows what??I scored 339! Hahahahas! It just a short notice... Since nothing to post as it is JUNE holiday!! Anyway, i gonna to bath now.Yeeeepppp(: Byyyesss!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
3:00 PM
Yeepppp! Just back from my lunch. Whats to posts?? By the ways, do please tagged everyone!My bloggies is so bored,insane and feeling like dying!! Hahahahas! Hmmmps?? Whats to do for the june holiday? JUNE hloidays is so boredd!I just need to stay at home and prepare for my NA in next term... LOL? Just need to ''WORK HARD'' to make my family proud (: Yeepppps!Byyesss!
Friday, June 05, 2009
11:47 AM
Nothingg to post liao. Will be going back to school for meeting about NA for next term not class celebration. i liike holidays but is getting too bored!! And yet here there i wanna go but not allowed too!! Yesterday went to Tiong Bahru for shopping.. not exactly shopping is just going to NTUC buying somethings and went back home again! Yeeepppp=] byyyess.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
9:13 PM
Helloooooo! I back here again. It been sometimes i have been bloggies. Hopppess u understand my english as my english is weak. Nothinggg to post. yeeppp xD. Byyyess(: