PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Friday, July 31, 2009
4:41 PM
Date:Friday,310709 Yocazs man! ( It been quite two days i have been bloqinq ): As i have not been using the computer frequently! TODAE DAMN ANNOYING!!! The worse day i haven't had Dun wishs to talk about that! By the way, wishing Happy Birthday to Darryl Lee Zhong Chong! That is his birthday todae!! It is my first time wishing him.. Althought in the past i didnt.. What else to talk about beside bday? Oh yeahss! 2nd common test is nearing!! Which is on the 17august Quite fast mann! I havent catch up with the rest... OH GOSHH!! OH MAN!! Better buck up in case i will drop to Normal Techical! As i dun want to be shamful! Alrightsss! I will stop hereee as i need to eat dinner now And tuition after that at 6.30pm! Byyyyyyeessss!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
8:01 PM
Todae bored boredd!! Schoolinqs , maths tutorial then CCA... But then fortunately CCA go home at 5.30pm! If 6.30pm worseeee than i dieeeee liaoo! I hates the 290709 in my lifee! Somethings happen todae! I dunno whether i should says that or not?? I think better don't!! It happens during in maths tutorial.... AHHHHH!! SO MADNNESSS!! I think i not feeling well todae as i feel like my body is burinq as a FIRE!! Alrightss! i need to bathe liaooo! Will end hereee! Goodnightss
Sunday, July 26, 2009
4:28 PM
Heyysyocax everyonees! Currently listeninq to (stand by me sunq by shinee) ♥ What to blogiies ehhs? Nothing much to blog yeahs! Will stop heree, alrightss! Lurvess you yeahs!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
4:55 PM
Helloooss!!♥ I'm back heree agains! 220709 which is yesterday date. Solar Eclipse!! We cannot see the solar eclipse!! Cox of that stupid rainning! As it were only happens in every 500yearss!! WATCH THIS CLIP BEFORE IT TOO LATEEE!! Hereee is the website >> And that was RACHEL KOH YUE TING BIRTHDAY!!♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! May you always stay pretty and advises you to wear contact lenses and may yours wishes comes turee!! xD! 230709 which is todae date. Sheryl didnt came to school yesterday!! Is she overslept?? late?? skip school?? She was just 100% alrightss!! LOL! Just found out from Ruiyi that Yanxin vomited during the retest 2.4km after just one round!! Then one male teacher took her to hospital? ( I think so yeahs?) Is what she told me.... OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! RECOVER WELL SOON HOR IF NOT I GONNA TO SPANK YOUR BUTT!! LOL ?? When i step out of the class , my mummy called me and asked me to go Bugis? At first i thought it was Chinatown?? then took mrt wif Ruiyi and she drops to Aljunied.. Reached to bugis then called mummy where we are supposed to meet? Then buy something and then Chinatown.... My shoulder is in PAIN PAIN PAIN!! Must be that dance lahhs! I was feeling arightss yesterday?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh yeahs! Forget that tml got maths test!! ARGHH!!! I have no confient and still not preparinng for the test tml!! WHY WHY WHY TEST!! TEST!! TEST!! TELL ME WHYYYYYY!!! NEED TO BUCK UP NOWW!! JIA YOU JIA YOUUU! Alrightssss! i will got to go liaoo!! Byyyyyyeeeesss! Lurvesss you yeahss!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
6:01 PM
COUNTDOWN:16days! ♥
HELLOOPEOPLE!{^v^!} Boreedd!! Boreed!! Boreed!! Oh yeahhs! todae, ate lunch with Sheryl , Wendy and Prerana at hawker centre! Then ate ate char siew rice lols which cost $2.80? Wendy ate pig organ which is good for your backbone... Then i tell her , if you eats pig organ and you will becomes a PIG!! (And we all laugh!!) Sheryl ate fishball dry noodles?? (I think so yeahs?) Then finish eating liaoo.. Sheryl need to leave to go her mother's workplace so Prerana suggested that we walk around the whole entire Bedok.. Then i suggested that we will go to NTUC cos more FUNN! Then i took trolley so that we can put our bag inside (: Then Wendy said i crazy and feel embarrassed? Then i replied , who cares lahh! Walked around the entire NTUC even second level ^v^! We all played like hide and seek! HAHA! Then in the end? We end up like buying sweets and drinks! LOL! Then went home! And quickly turn on the channel 8 show! It been sometimes i have watching yeahs? Then read the teenagers book which Yanxin lent me (: Maybe i would be buying?? Or maybe not?? So used computer lols! Then listen to music , bloggies and whatever lahhs! Then looked for phones types? I cant show you the photo herees but will tell you tell brand : K705i Not suree lahhs! Who cares if not good but maybe in next fews years there will always be the better phones (: Alrightts! i will stop hereeees! Time for my dinner time!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
8:25 PM
HELLOOO! Countdown time : 18days more to goo! TODAE FREAKING BORING YEAHS! Currently listening to ToHoShinKi 3rd LIVE TOUR 2008 T - Kiss Shitma Mama Sayonara Todae went tuition yeahs! Tuition was quite alrights but the worst thing is that new tutor is damn boring especially his handwriting!! Feel like sleeping already man! ARGHH! Then finish around 3.40pm? Then went NTUC with mummy. I wanted to go home to watch the channel 8 show at 4.30pm but my mummy said cannot cos buy something go home lor. I was like so impaitent!! Then took bus 275 home! Then mummy ask me how was the tuition todae? I was like speechless. Then i told mummy about clementi tuition. Then talk talk until all the way home. Maybe next year, quit Bukit Merah tuition and join clementi tuition?? MAYBE ONLY HORR!! But reach home like 5.15pm! ARGHHH! Just now webcaming to my father. i was like how come he online on saturday? suppose he working now?? Then he said he used computer for awhile :P Then he offline already cox he need to work man... OHH HEAVEN!! MISSING MY DADDY LIAOO! I will end it hereee! Byyyyeeesss
Thursday, July 16, 2009
6:14 PM
PEEEEEPPPPPPP! I am hereee!♥ Countdown: 20 more days to gooo! Hmmmp. well just finish history homework just now. But for the others homework, i didnt do. It just like i 'm lazy to do all this but the deadline is on monday:] So relax lols! Need research on maths which is about harmony day. But cannot find the website.. Whatever lahhs. Oh yeahs! tml english graded assigment! AHHHHH! i'm sick liaoo! last monday also got english test! Hopes i pass yeahs! ^v^! Then after school, went mac with Wendy and Prerana. But we took different bus to bus interchange as they don't want the idiot to comes :] I guess you knows who i means yeahs? Then i wanted to eat sheryl's chicken stew? BUT no spoon lehh! i kept looking at her and feels like taking away! CANT HELP IT!! So went hawker centre for plastic spoon. Then we sat down and eat! We take turn to eat cox only one spoon! I wanted to eat all but sheryl want to keep some!! AHHH! Then saw wendy and prerana! Quickly ran to them! Then blah blah! I got to gooo already, will stop hereee! Maybe post on saturday {: Byyyyyyeeeeessss
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
6:42 PM
HELLOOO PEOPLE! Now 22more days to go gooo! Can't wait for the day to arriveee!! Blog only for awhile.Just to countdown. (:Todae school is really boreed! I almost fall a sleepp! Can't seem to understand what the teacher is talking aboutt, cox no Fm mah! FM FASTER COMES! MY HEARING IS DYING SOON! Especially Literture and Maths! AHHH! And moreee homework is pouring out! OH MY GOODNESS! May God bless me!> lols! Sound weird? Got English graded assigment todae lehh! DAMN HARD LEH!Like i says, life is really selfish and difflcut! Dun you all people agree with me >yeahs?Alrightss, i will stop hereeee! And JIAYOU! dozen of homework is coming in!! Byyyyeeessss!
Monday, July 13, 2009
9:20 PM
Nothing to say hereee! BUT TO COUNTDOWN TO 23 more dayss!! LOOKING FOWARD TO THIS DAY!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
12:45 PM
HeyysFollowers! i'm hereeee! What to bloggies yeahs? (11062009) Yesterday, my mummy told me that my uniform cant be wash?? I was likee wahhhhh!!! shouted in anger! Fortunately, my mummy didnt scold me? >lols? Then the person smsed me yesterday. Wont tell you who is she!! Find yourself lolss! I have given you a clue in my taggedbox... She said that she will gives me a surprised on my birthday for what she had donee!! And she could not afford to buy the uniform!! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE TALKING ABOUT!!! I just want my uniform, that it!If not then, she will be in dead meat!!! I only have one uniform left!! How am i going to wear tml !! U expect me to wear one uniform on 5days ahhh! My uniform will be smell of shitt! NO COMMON SENSE! you people agree with me yeahs ?< Sorry if i scared you people > I'm just want to cool down myself!! ALRIGHTSS! i will end hereee and stop talking about that idiot!! Byyyyyeeeesss!
Friday, July 10, 2009
5:19 PM
♥On the 10062009th, (Will never forget the date) Todae is really freak madness!! You knows what happen todae at mac? Somebody spill the milo on my school uniform and my skirt!! SUPER MAD LEH! I'm sure you knows that person. Then she smsed me twice! You knows what she says?? She wrote:.(1st message) I'm sorry. You won't be angry with me. SORRY! So next time, i treat you a meal cos i spill the milo on my unifrom. (2nd message) : If you dont believe me, i will not treat you a meal next time. I' really sorry!Please really believe me!! You are my friend. I cry for you just now. I' really sorry!! What she suppose to do is ... HER SINCERLY!! Rightss?? i suppose u all agree with me?? >yeahs? If you were in my shoes, would you be angry? >rightss? Then Wendy and Huifurn washed the skirt and tie for me =] But not the uniform hor!! Or else my whole body is naked! (laugh) They took about 15mins-20mins to wash! I freaking cold man! Then Wendy smsed me that my skirt will be ready in 5mins. Then i told her if my skirt never comes back in 2mins time, they will be in dead meat! (laugh) Like Yanxin asked that question that i will be naked? She dun understand what i am trying to says > lols! Then i explain to her then she understand already .... She laugh leh =_=! My luck is really in drain! Maybe i should seek the fortune teller for help?? >lols Then went home with that stupid smell! ARGHHH! I gonna to end hereeee as i am leaving for tuition!! Byyyyyeeeesss!
Thursday, July 09, 2009
9:55 PM
Hellooooo! Just to blogged for fun as i have nothing much to do =] Just completed my homework. It just Maths and Science. Todae school super okays. D&T is okays as i thought it fun to do D&T.. But is turns to be diffcult. It was totally my bad luck todae!!You knows what happen in the MRT? I was nearly trapped inside the MRT! ! I waited and waited for 15minutes to get out of the MRT? Maybe no petrol? Or something else!! And my body was shivering and sweaty! Then finally reach to Bugis! Just my luck todae!! Then my mummy waiting for me at Bugis to buy new bag! Finally the arrival of my new bag!! lols.. =] Then went popular to buy books! And went home as my mummy want to watch the 4.30pm show! THE UNFORGETTABLE MEMORY! I'm sure you have heard it before! Oh welll, i gonnna to sleep! See u tomorrow(: Goodnightss! Sweet Dreamss!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
8:35 PM
HELLOOOOOOO!!! Missing you yeas! History is gonna to make me insane already! Cant understand what the teacher says or maybe not used to it?? It suckkk! I gonna to faint mann! Can anybody help mee? Even sheryl dunno what to do? LOL!! I need a professional history teacher in order to pass my history well? Expensive is it? Nopees??> yeahhss??> JIAYOUSS! Gonna to buck upp! :P
Saturday, July 04, 2009
8:12 PM
Just back from Tiong Babru =')! Not much to do thereee. My mummy was buying something as she had to alight first and while i straight to tb. Then went popular to see assessments books.. That is for tuition sia..! Then see but dunno how to choose. So went out... Saw crowded of people watching tv. So went to have a look. Saw michael jackson singing... LOLS? Then watch it for awhile.. Then suddenly feel hungry. In the end buying bread :x But i should have buy KFC instead of bread!! Then walked around the tb. I am deadly boredd! Waiting for my my mummy lorr! Then my mummy called and said that go to coffee shop? Then i was like huhhh? Saw her plus her friends there... Then i was like shocked. I thought she was supposed to meet me but end up at coffee shop.... Then finish chattering. Then went back to tb mrt station to ask for refund for ez-link card... Aiyooooo! Tired of typing already :x Byyyyyyeeessss
8:10 PM
Peeeepppppp! Whenever i post something, i feel like dunnno what to writee. My mind is currently in somewheres elsee. Hmmmp, maybe buying new bag todae?? I hope so yeas! as my bag is damn heavy and my shoulder gonna to short down. I supppose you dun understand what i means, yeahs? LOL... Went to channelnews aisa and saw which it now Singapore comfrim 91 new casesss of H1N1 flu. And which is total is 965 cases!! Be careful people hor!! Not to scare you lor, it just to remind you! Alrights, lets not talk about H1N1! Oh yeahss! HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY AH MA IIVY LU AI WEI!! May all your wishes comes true!! May you pass your O level hor!! May you stay shortie forever!! Just KIDDING lah! Lurve you yeahs! That is most important thing so that you can go to ploy! :P Same for the rest for you all who is taking O level and N level! Got to go already. Gonna to Tiong bahru now. Will used the computer again.. Byyyyyeeeessss! |