PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Saturday, August 29, 2009
11:26 PM
Helloooooo! Missing my bloggies yeahs and not been blogging for the past four days.. Got very very very good news for you and for myself! I gotten back my maths papper and you know what? When the teacher called out my name and i quickly saw my marks! I was totally overjoyed and proud of myself... Althought i didnt pass my others two subjects but at least i did pass my M-A-T-H-S! WANNA KNOW HOW MUCH I GET?? Wont tell you but i give you a C-L-U-E ... JUST PASS ONLY LOR :x Today history lesson , damn boring lehhs... Especially Mr Lee keeping telling us that we dunno how to be quiet and line up properly... And was scolded by him.... Did we do anything wrong mehs? Even the others teachers didnt say anything! LOL? So irritating teacher man! Then dismissed at around like 1.20pm .. Then went mac to buy shaker fries .. VERY HUNGRY MAN! Alrights , i will stop hereee as it is already 11.22pm sia! GOODNIGHTS EVERYONEEEEE! Byyyyyyyeeeeeessssss!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
9:38 PM
Hellooosss! I am hereee again to post my bloggies to keep it alive yeahs? Todae during the maths period , thought that the whole class will be getting back the maths common test paper.. But in the end no maths common test paper... But heard from the teacher that we will be getting back this friday? I CANNOT AFFORD TO WAIT IT!!!! Hope i pass yeahs? If i fail maths , i will surely in dead meat like chopping the head! HAHAHAHAHA!! That is the not the time to jokes hor! FOCUS YOU THINK!. YU TING! Dun play play play play play alreadyyyyy! I AM DAMN DOOMEDD! alrightsss , will stop hereeeee! Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeeesssssss
Monday, August 24, 2009
7:15 PM
YO MY FRIENDS WHO ARE READING MY BLOG! ![]() My bloggies is now super super super alrights right now as i am using the Google Chrome =] FINALLY I CAN UPDATE MY BLOGGIES AT HOMEE!! Today when i got back my common test paper.. I surely know that i will fail for sureee! But i fail my geography and science... I really cant believe that i get my science a low mark! I really almost want to cry lehhs but in the end i didnt! At least got end of the year paper to goooooo! YOU THINK & YU TING!! BETTER BUCK UP NOW!! IF NOT YOU WILL DROP TO NT! JIAYOU! JIAYOU! JIAYOU! Will stop hereeeeee!BUCK UP NOWW! Byyyyyyeeeessssss!
Friday, August 21, 2009
8:09 PM
Hellooo! I am back typing my bloggies right noww. Misssing youuuuu! But currently at MHI for projecting for LT graded assignment which was needed to pass up on MONDAY!!! ( deadline!) But thank to ah ma iivy for telling us what to do and draw.. A BIG THANK YOU! Hereee MHI can type while at home sian! Maybe cause of the internet lolss. Nothing to write about todaeee. I will end hereeeee and do the project =] Byyyyyyyyyeeeeesss!
Monday, August 17, 2009
7:35 PM
YO PEOPLE! Sorry for not updating my bloggies... My bloggies is getting headache to me liaooo. So just to tell you that i will not be bloggies for the next few dayy.. SORRY YEAHS!! Byyyyyeeeeessss
Sunday, August 09, 2009
11:15 AM
Helloosss! Sorry for not updating for the past two days.. As i am not using the computer frequently... Oh yeahsss! HAPPY 44th Singapore Birthday Dayy!! Lets talk on the 070809 which is on Friday. Went to school for half day cox national day mah?Then went to the festival court for morning assembly..Then i saw one of the class went back to class which is Mansura's class...Dunnooo why they go there for? (suppose they should be in the festival court) ?? Then realised there was one pupil got sick sick...After assembly , all secondary 1 were asked to go to the HALL ....Then watched video and singing. (so lame leh?)Then around 9plus , went back to class ...Then we do all the decoration for national dayyy..SO boring lehhhsss!Wanted to go hommmme liaoooo! Then dismissed at 10.10am actually almost of the classes dismissed at 10am. But that teacher if you want to go home must sweep the class and so on.... SIAN SIAN SIAN!! Then ah ma iivy smsed me that she was waiting for meee at MRT station. Then arrived to station , saw mansura there ? i thought she was supposed to go home as she got flu... Then chit chat non-stop and played as we have to alight the mrt... The bus havent come and i went buy drink at 7-eleven. While mansura smsing .. Then saw mansura smsing . thought of giving her surprised. And she was looking for meee. when she turn around, then saw me liaooos.. HAHAHHA! quite fun hor... Then reached home liaoo... Then tuition at 8pm so i decided to go tuition early cos nail polish mah.. LOL. i must be siaoo siaoo already... We all polish until it was 8pm. TIME fly so fast lehss.. Then tuition liaoo then movie... Will stop tireddd liaooo. Byyyyyyyyeeeeessss
Friday, August 07, 2009
2:23 PM
HEYYSYOCAX! I'm backk again! My blog is back again liaoo cox i restart internet... Hahaha, but then google cannot sia! Lets talk on the 5th August which i was supposed to blog! I woke up in the morning and saw messages in my phoneee. Keeping smiling at the phone cos it was my birthday and Orange day on that day. Then Chanying was the first one to sms me which about 12.09am. The Ivy send at 12.16am which was quite close to Chanying. Hahaha!, she thought she was the first one the smsed but Chanying is the first.... The brushing my teeth , but still keep smiling at the miror which is infront of me... I think i siaooo already. (laughs) Then took mrt , and saw Ruiyi&Wendy&her mother ... Reached to Bedok liaoo... Then took bus 17 to schoool and walked up to MT room . Saw Joyce and HuifFurn only. I kept wondering where is Mansura ? And was found out that she was at downstair near the cannten helping out... Then saw Yanxin,Prerana&Charmaine... They gave me presentss . Actually i wanted to open but dun want. Later no manner bahs. So i opened in class and was shocked to see the presents which Charmaine gave me. I was likeee speechless??? You knows what she gave meee? A book and handphone pouch! (That was my wishlist!) See my blog wishlist thereee. Then Yanxin gave me small little clock which supposed to wake me upps. HAHA! Kidding lahhhs... Dunno what that for? Then Science , so boring mann! Then MT period , there was one teacher(dunno the name) there cos Miss Tan was on LOA for one week. And was asked to go to Library to do ace-learning but some of the computer spoilt! Stupid them! Better replaced that apple computer! HAHAHA! like the one in computer lab near the art room. But saw Miss Ho in the MT room. Then the teacher went to have a look... So Miss Ho took over... YAYAY! Then taught us maths. But quite boring but better pay attention cox maths test is on NEXT FIRDAYYYYYYYY!! Finally recesss liaooo as my stomach keeping on growling. MUST BE HUNGRY! like pregnant woman . lols.... Then ate fishball noodles. YUMMY YUMMY! && the fishball is so freshhh.... Then Joyce suggested that take photos? I dunno how to say lahhs. Then took photo liaooo. If only Sec 4&5 plus Yanxin , all will be perfect!! But it okays, Prelim is more important and Lessons is important! HAHAHAH! But then i want that iivy's polariod camera :P The photo so longg and have to wait about 5mins and we were late for lesson! But lucky my lesson is IT not computer horr and dun feel like going it. Then PHOTO is ready!! But i cant show it heree. No photo scan!! Then ran to MT room to collect our pencil casees & ran up again to level 4! Lucky the teacher didnt scold us. Then blah blah ... Last lesson is HISTORY! QUITE BORING BUT LUCKY THE TEACHER WENT FOR MEETING!! EVERYTHING IS SO LUCKY! HAHHAHAHA!! By the way peopleee, Thanks for the presents and smses! And lets me says my birthday song hereee. Happy birthday day to me(x4) Sound weird as i was talking to myself?? Got to go for tuititon liaooo and will be watching the movie with my tutor.. Title of the show is (UP* 3D) Will end hereee.... Byyyyyyeeeeeesssssss
Thursday, August 06, 2009
5:52 PM
Hellooosss! I am hereee! My bloggies got problem sian lahh! Dunno what is the lie problem! Should i talk here or not? Better not yeahs? Later everythings mess up! Okays, will blog another day:=) Byyyyyeeeesss
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
1:23 PM
Hellooo, I'm back again and i am using the computer in school since is MT preiod xD And my bloggies is opened again! Sorry for the attention): Tml is the big ocassion for me!! So exciting mann! And getss lots of presentsss?? Not asking too much yeahss? It been sometimes i been getting presents?? Maybe lahh! And tml i will be skipping tutorial and CCA!! COOL MANN! As i needed to check my hearing aidss and new FM... That is how i celebrate my real birthdayy! HAHAH!! I am used to it... And 11hours more to goooo!! Oh well, got to go liaooo! will end it hereee! byyyyyyeeeessss!!!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
11:25 AM
Heysyocax people!♥ Lets countdown together which is 3days away... SO exciting mann! Cannot wait for the day to arriveeee! SORRY for not updating my bloggies as i have been busy doing something.. Lets me tell you what i have been doing yesterday.. . Watch tv at 11am which is Family Matter (i think so yeahs?) . lunch at 1pm , . tuition at 2pm until 4pm , . watch tv at 4.30 ( Nanny Daddy ) . dinner time , . tv time at 7pm Love, (Taiwan show) . bathing at 9pm? . lastly is BOYS OVER FLOWERS!!! ( WOAHHHH ) L00k like i have watching tv non-stop! As i'm ♥"ADDICTED"♥ to the tv! HAHAHA!! And todae woke up at 10am , but quite sleepingg! I have wanting to change the blog skin , but cannot as i mixed everything wrong!! Can anybody help meeeee!! (TAKE NOTE) Especially IIVY LU who havent handed the assignment homework which i have given you last few week! Alrightsss! I will stop hereeeee! Byyyyyeesssss! JUST A REMAINDER! Hellooo! I'm back again. Just to tell you i have changed my blog skin(: Although is quite not nice but just bear with it! 1.28pm ![]() ![]() ![]() |