PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Sunday, January 31, 2010
10:42 PM
1:02 PM
good afternoon (: this morning , went market with my mum as i woke up early bah while waking up , realised forget to pack things for camp tmr then packed halfway , still got tons to pack alrights ): i hate to leave home ! gonna to miss lappy and bedroom ): how sad man ): will be away from three days and be back on wednesday afternoon ): right now , dont know what to pack already ... then market until 1hour and went home and turn on computer (: what should i wear tmr then ? of course i will be wearing class T - shirt and trackpant . but dont want to wear trackpant . maybe morning will be wearing shirt and short (: then school changed into trackpant (: sound like nice right =] LOOOOOOL ^^ whatever lah ... tagged more while i am away (: plus miss me toos ! alrights , shall stop here man (: be good my dear lappy D; take care families D; byeeeeeesD;
Friday, January 29, 2010
7:41 PM
heyys there there (: today school as usual and we had HHP mean like running to practice for 2.4km wahhh , it coming in APRIL !! that was really fast man . but we didn't ran . we walk only at the park near the school . quite perspired and hot hot ! went back to class and get the class T - shirt . quite okay lah . but from the front was too plain . should have put cartoons ! LOOOOOL . quite big to miie . ); then next lesson was dance . teacher came late around 40 minutes ! our class played like crazy ... then recess , as usual friends again (: English was next , no lesson . only talked about camp corri .. good uh but boring ): (: ! after English was Maths . got maths test leh , quite easy bah . hope to get all right (: lastly Science , the teacher look so weird . laugh * watched video which is smoking . everyone look quite tired as it was last period -.- dismissed already and went to look for my own table . and found out that was missing ): oh well , nevermind then . after school went to Library at Bugis (: Bugis there , ate KFC ... hungry hungry bah . then went library . so went in . realised was quite huge and many story books ! ^^ then found our favourite books and borrowed it ! read magazines and went home sweet ! bus so long never come . so changed bus lor (: maybe tmr going to library again (: ♥ shall stop here alrights . byes ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thursday, January 28, 2010
4:13 PM
hellos and yo ! today went to school as usual , then first period is PE which was 2hours and 20 mins . COOL uh ? *wink* of course man , so that have less lessons bah (: then one of my classmate spotted me wearing one earing . i got a shocked . walao ! keep finding and the way i walked from classroom to basketball court .. play captain ball and basketball .then teacher asked us to play another play which is "dollars and cents" therefore i lose the games twice and do the stupid chicken dance and jumping ! so angry ! ): was like a fool girl ! i hate to be fool you know !?! recess was next , was quite upset about the "fool" ! stupid stupid !! after recess was ... don't know how to say lah . lets skip that . so next was English . quite boring lah . we all played played never listen to teacher , then she threatened to use the word " R cube " everyone remain silent , LOOOL then listened to US president speech . boring leh . i heard this tons of times . where i heard it from ? don't tell you :P then Maths next ! quite okay bah . then went home with usual friends (: then on the way home , we laugh like crazy in the bus . hehe even MRT too . haha . i guess i changed alot is it ? i guess me was influence by senior last year (: hohohohoooo ! thank god that my another earing is back ! thank youuuu ! lurves ya ! ♥ ♥ ♥ SHOULD I GO TO BUGIS or JURONG LIBRARY !?! ♥
Monday, January 25, 2010
4:01 PM
yo man ! now feeling sick and tired . i do feel sick , my soarthroat is getting worse after yesterday . must ate too many heaty food ); got flu man ! cure me , alrights ? i dont want to get sick and new year is coming man ! ): camp corri is coming toos . if sick , no more fun already ): get away my sickness ! take me away as much as you ! (: shoo shoo shoo ! nothing to write already . too weak to type -.-
Friday, January 22, 2010
6:22 PM
hohohoo ! didn't blog for four days sian . many things had happen in my class . some of them in tears and fighting ! crazy right ? but to me i don't mind being this class . it really fun to see them doing all this . hehe , i know that i so mean alrights , oops lets post what happen today , okay ? went to school as usual . went to hall for assembly and also talked about camp corri . so many things must pack uh . LOOOL -.- then after this , went to MPR for dance lesson . sound fun lah . i think i began to like dance ^^ got test , but dont know whether i pass or not .. then recess , as usual with friends . talked alot . miss the time we chat and fun ! hope this year will be the best FUN ! hoohoo . then English next . then talked a bit of time about camp . watch videos clip how the Singapore singer , Ris Low and PCK speak . then bleh blah . Maths was next ! we do some practise in constructing the angles . then teachers have to go for meeting . good lah . got one teacher to take over . so we do maths quiz . quite simple lah . then Science next , watch videos clip again . it about "is elephant scared of the mice ?" of course yeah ! ^^ hahahaha , i laughed so hard ! then dismissed time . should i say something interesting ?? not really lah . i think better not lah . to keep in low profile (: had hearing aids check . and Yanxin and me went library . sound like we been going to library too often .. good uh . then buy something and went home .
Monday, January 18, 2010
5:00 PM
Yocaxz ! what up man ? students is getting sick and sick lately -.- whats wrong with them , why get sick all the time . my class only two people sick -.- . but they on mc for so long until last week . orhh , school is getting more " virus " coming to us !! be safe or else more " virus " going to youuu ! strange me , why am i talking about this . LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -.- -.- HAHAHA !
Saturday, January 16, 2010
1:46 PM
heyys there ! just went to research in M1 to look for handphone . and realised that w705 was out of stock , so sad ! i wanna that phone you know ! the colour is really beautiful !! i know i shouldnt have complained . i am just a fussy girl . ): aishya ! should have buy earlier , stupid of me ! -.- just now mummy asked me to join clementi tuition . should i really go there ?! if you asked me , i also dont know , depend on how they teach .
Friday, January 15, 2010
4:30 PM
what to say uh ? about my school life ?!?! hmmps , today got mass . i think to celebrate the Canossian 203 years during mass , read story book , " Marked" . shhh . quite nice the story , i says . after mass , finish liao , went for recess as usual friends . then talked talked until it time for lesson . ENGLISH ! boring lah . anyway not my favourite subject . opps . then teacher asked us to do group work and journal . don't know what to what about journal , what you want to success in ?! write anyhow uh . after English then Maths . my favourite subject i think ! hehe got spot quiz test maths ! hope to get all right ! please alrights . then Science , group work again . LOL ! the topic is about " digestion " easy uh ?! but there is something that i cannot remember . but still got spot quiz test on monday ! arghhh .. my Science is one of the worst subjects i ever had ! opps gonna to buck up yeah ! *JiaYou ! believe in yourself ! believe in whatever you do !* then teaher dismissed us late which is 5 mins late .. went to Library at bedok instead of Tampines . Wendy and i wanted to find the books but all loan . sian . while Yanxin went to eat lunch with her family .. then borrow already and went to night market , not really night lah . brought nuggets and cheese hotdog ! so yummy man ! alrights that is all for friday alrights ! PS : gonna looking foward tmr if is good news ! =) dont bother what people say ! always trust yourself ! just always say you can do it ! always belief in yourself !
Thursday, January 14, 2010
8:41 PM
heyys yocaxz ! just back from bathing and now freshly smell :D wanna smell it ?!?! take it as you are vampire smelling my freshly smell (: opps sorry , didnt blog for 5 days . and now might be 5 days dead ! what to write uh ? talking school life might be boring . have to repeat over and again . hmmps ? uh yeah ! yesterday , saw Janice at HI room . wondering what she is doing here ?? then talked about O level result :D then Ivy came . what she is doing here again ?? it been a month i last seen them , how great to see them everyday :D then talked talked .. went down to canteen . me ? listen to music . headphone with ipod ! cool man .. then just realise got song which is " lao shu ai da mi " . it been last i hear the sonqqs ! SO WONDERFUL ! so blah blah , talked so much . then its already late and went to office to talked something . then went home . on the way there . that stupid rabbit , Janice Lim ! she went to put sticker on my hair while i listening to music ! but not angry lahs ! so went home and read storybook , still havent finish it yet ! hehe alrights , gonna to watch tv soon . byyyyyyyeeess ! do tagged more alrights and i will replied your tagged :D
Saturday, January 09, 2010
3:34 PM
yo readers ! just back from school and library :D went to school for cca orientation for the secondary 1s . woke up 6.45am and bathe as i didn't bathe yesterday . smelly me !! then left the house at 7.30am and went to school :D we went in to art room . then president asked me and Wendy to go look for someone . then still haven't found and asked someone to tell her when she seen her . went to sun foyer and see our dmc booth . then blah bleh blah . so bored so we watched them playing netball . then went to watch the performing in the hall . so nice ! gives out sweets while i keep them watching giving the sweets . Yanxin and I walked around the whole school and realised that got new cca which is sailing . uh cool man ! then played netball until the one of the teachers which is my teacher saw us playing but others teachers don't mind us playing it . then watched netball again until 12pm . then went home , noo went library with Wendy and Yanxin . look for books and mission is completed in 15mintues :D they look their own sweet time to look for their favourite books .. almost 1hours . so sleepy and yawning .. then borrow books . but they still want to borrow books again which is similar to twilight . aiyooo , so vampire man ! then went home and ate lunch :D shall stop here , so tiredd ! byyyyyyyyyeeesss !
Thursday, January 07, 2010
7:49 PM
yo readers ! Happy Anniversary on 100th post =D hmmps ? just back from CCA and reached home almost 7pm . we went to celebrate Miss Chia our DMC 's teacher :D then waited for her almost 1hours . everybody seem to be anxious .. then sang a happy birthday twice . and cut the cake . chocolate cake , yummy yummy :D there got drinks and snacks .. if I'm not wrong , Mr Ng paid for these and thanked him . after finishing the cakes and snacks , Miss Chia talked talked about photography . darn it ! still have to go to school this Saturday , surely need to rest bah . then dismissed 5.45pm . waited for the bus to long and we squeezed each other . then took MRT , but Wendy cannot go in .. slow woman ! oh yeahs , this morning . stupid blackout ! the whole school has been blackout more than 5times . maybe it caused by the thunders .. but didnt hear the thunder only the rain .. alrights , now it already 8pm . gonnna take a bathe and take dinner ! byyyyyyeeeesss ! tagged more if you free !! tagged more if you free !! tagged more if you free !!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
9:36 AM
yo readers ! oops , didn't went to school today alrghts . as i got appointment with the doctor today at KK . H as today got one lesson which is English . so no point going :X alright , guess how I'm doing for the past two days ? first day in school , during assembly the principal was talking about one girl who had died in december last year . we all pray together and her family toos . then blah bleh blah bleh . we went back to class , and was sat in third row . curious to see who was our form teacher . is was Miss E lim and Mrs C chong - not sure . then we all played games and laughing . then recess time was 11.15am , so late !?! then chat with the girls . then chat chat , and Yanxin need to go off . so left alone with Sheryl and Wendy . recess end already and we went back to class to vote our chairperson and whatever things . so boring man , almost fell asleep in class . then dismissed at 1.35pm , cool uh . and went home with Sheryl , Wendy and Yanxin . therefore , we met mansura . so long time never see her . maybe around should be 2months ? then went home . second day in school , hmmps ? went to school as per normal . first we had maths period . although no lessons :D and our maths teachers was Miss E Lim and Miss L Tan uh cool ! then realise that lessons was 1hours and 10 mins . crazy lah ! stupid ! the more lessons hours we have and less mins recess !?! then science and teacher was Miss Ng . she quite nice but she talked like pause and stop .then again , no lessons . so she told us to take our textbooks . but we realise that we brought the wrong books . but not comfirm yet . then recess time , ate tom yam :D chat again with the same people as on monday :D then recess end already and we have LifeArt .. me was D&T , and the teacher was Mr Roland , i think ? then we do something that we should not make the egg drop . we wrapped and covered the eggs . then finished already and went to level 2 and drop the eggs . so we went down and check whether was broken . check already and broken liaoo . stupid ! then he talked about school camp . i hate camp !!! then went back to class and assembly in the hall . boring yeah :( then dissmissed at 2.10pm . then again we all went home with the same person :D in the MRT , mansura lent me her phone to played games .so hard to play !!! next time i will sure get 100% ..alrights that all for today :D byyyyyyeeessss !
Sunday, January 03, 2010
2:12 PM
hellos again , not going to blog for these days from starting from now onward . sorry yeah , school reopening . but looking forward to on Wednesday :D hehe , just now my aunt came and give clothes which she bought from Bangkok . many clothes was all in pink and bags toos . thankyouus :D she knows me super well , muahaha . gonna to wear pink pink forever . haha might as well as crazy pink woman :D alrights , miss me and tagged me :D gotta go yeahs , byyyyyyeeeessss
12:14 PM
OMG ! school start tmr . still haven't pack things .. should i bring my entire books or should not ? ahhh , why school must start tmr . hate to go to school . i going to take mrt by myself , i gonna to miss her taking mrt with me . but now the person no longer taking with me D; . she has gone back to India . so sad ! the person is Prerana D; miss her alot so yeah .. uh-oh Rachael , where are youu ?? youu still coming to my house when sch reopen ?? tagged me yeahs :D not preparing to go sch D; -weeping . uh oh , so boredd and not looking foward to school tmr .. ![]()
Friday, January 01, 2010
2:45 PM
hellos again (: currently boredd there , and right here alone . now the weather is freaking hot hot hot ! when is my papa gonna to be back D; without him , life would be plain . New Year is already here ! door will always open :D aishya , school reopening soon lerh . times is getting faster D; uh-orh , boredd boredd again ... gonna to eat ice-cream :D byyyyyyyyeeeesss
12:26 PM
yo readers ! lets welcome 2010 and say bid goodbye to 2009 . lets hope 2010 will be the new beginning of the year . thanks 2009 for sharing all the memories i had :D change yourselves to make your life better and stay happy :D yesterday watched the countdown on channel 8 :D it really nice show but didnt see the firework , stupid ! but nice one is saw the stars during dance "sorry sorry sorry" ! if only the super junior is here , maybe over 1000 people will come and watch it :D orhh yeah , HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS ! :D not going to celebrate yeah D; but in one day hor . okays shall stop here . byyyyeesss |