PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Monday, May 31, 2010
1:43 PM
arghhh, don't know what to blog liao -.- pardon me for posting short sentences of what i have done (: yesterday 300510 -had MAC in the morning damn full. -played computer (facebookinq and youtbing) -did not eat lunch in the afternoon. (: -aunt called last minute to have dinner at Sakura. -Sakrua at Downtown East. -at 8.45pm took a walked around the shopping centre. -went sweet home! today 310510 the minute i woke up, i heard that Singapore beat China in table tennis :D it been 19years since S'pore beat them (: that's GREAT! i guess the victory go to Feng TianWei(ps) nothing much to do. if you do have twitter , follow me on angelayuting! xD shall end here . bye
Saturday, May 29, 2010
11:28 AM
HIHI! just having my lunch now although is early. let's talk about yesterday that i went out to Expo and IKEA. first of all , dad drove my mummy and i to expo. but there were traffic jams. waited so lonq ard 15minutes yet the cars won't move it. so mummy suggested go IKEA first. then park carpark . it FOC! cool uh! then see sumthing and in the end bought one. -.- after that, went to queue up for HotDogs. cheap $1 . bought already and ate at the side of the corner. then dad wanted to go homee but i refused!! so went Expo again. but now less cars but carparks full so have to wait like 15minutes. then was like finally finally get into the carpark. walked to Expo and quite numbers of people over there. dad and i walked around and also bought foods. then mummy got stomachache and go toilets thrice . lool if the kids bully me just push the dustbin to me. and they laughed! WTH!! *don't ever think you are pushover just being you are the kids. BABO! bought quite alot stuffs but is worth! then home sweet home (: *Later will be goinq out with classmates at Orchard. cya!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
4:57 PM
HIHI! opps, it has been 5days i last update my blog :x anyway it is school holiday today, weee^^ don't have to wake up early in the morning or whatever bleh. but then what to do now? currently boredd, of course! during our past few days , nothing to do beside listening to teachers crapping -.- it is kinda of post activties uh? but yesterday was funxD took photos of ourselves in class as it was the last day of term 2. let's refresh your memory and carry on to term 3(: let's do our best gals!^^ during CCA, learn sumthing new called photoshop cs4! FUN of course you know! was laughing in hell doing photoshop. i guess was funny and interesting. glad to have Yanxin with me or else i wouldn't know what to do?! thank babe yah(: but wish to have photoshop but expensive ): and cca camp? ahhh! not again man! but of course compuslory ): i really hate to stay overnight missing my bed and family ): but worse thing is i can't watch the 9'clock show! HOW UNLUCKY DAY!? then went home (: well today?! nothing much to do. play facebooking and youtubing. this cominq saturday?! my classmates asked me out and Celine asked me too. whom should i go ?!?! really hard to make my mind up! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *gonnna to wait for my report book ! JIAYOU!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
4:18 PM
HIHI! just a short sweet post (: currently playing facebook-ing and youtube-ing . but boredd , i wanna to go out and have fun ! orh yeah :D ♥Happy although i cannot wish her in person but she can hear our wishing in her heart (: i miss you badly . miss you taking mrt with me !! do come back and visit us soon ya (: ILY !!
Friday, May 21, 2010
4:42 PM
![]() today school as usual and went outing to Paris Ris Park . reached to to the park and looked familiar to me as i have been there before. we played some games . every level were given piece of paper and have to find the same picture on what the paper shown. walked walked and take pictures togther with the objects . don't get it? nevermind ! return back to school and was told to go back to classroom as Form and Co-Form teachers gave us letters for parent teacher meeting. then Miss Lim announced the top 10 pupils in class. i got a big fright when she announced that i was in what position in class. damn happy of course! dont want to say here . you can asked me if you want . but the percentage?? dont know how much i got ?! arghhhhhh . then went to HI-room to wait for Mrs Heng. waited for 10minutes and yet she haven't come there. after that , went mac with Wendy and Sheryl . chatted and went library as they pulled me there. went to children book and saw my classmates there . wahh , why every time so coincidence ?! lool then went home . on the way home , saw Rachael at bus stop at tiong bahru . chatted and took the same bus home .
Thursday, May 20, 2010
2:11 PM
HIHI! just gotten back my papers . all passed my papers! but therefore, damn disappointing except for Maths. but the other subjects??!! arghhh.... dont want to say the marks. make my heart broken and tearing ): well gonna to work hard next term or else me regrets forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but told myself , how to work hard when i cannot make myself study? TELL ME!! how to make myself study uhh? orh well, nothing to say. byyyyyyyeees
Sunday, May 16, 2010
6:09 PM
HIHI! yesterday 150510, went Bugis with mummy and grandma plus my aunts plus cousins. hahah . too many people right ? -Left the house at 5plus. -Went to bugis Junction to buy some women stuffs. -Go another shopping centre to buy cousin keesha's watch which she has been waiting for it(: -Walked around to Bugis Street bought clothes. -After that, Bugis Junction at Seiyu . bought dad's short. -At 8.30pm , ate supper at food court. cost me $7.60! -Went to Swensens for ICE-CREAM (: but too much chocolate . aiyoo -Car park and took pictures and finally home sweet home at today 160510, woke up at 10.45am and forget about today meeting with Yanxin and Sheryl. late already. take bus and is so hot hot that make me perspiring. met them and walked to Suntec city using underpass mrt. then went to collect sumthing then left to Bugis to help them for donation. went to Sheryl's mother shop for dk whatever things. some people don't want to donate . i was like so selfish of them -.- then bleh blah . went back to Suntec city again and was given $2. heh. while walking back to city hall Yanxin went home by circle line and Sheryl and I went to another mrt. was feeling hungry, went to bread shop to see got any nice bread? but decide not to buy): as i want to exit, i bang on the window panel as thought was door open. arghhh, blur me luhh !!
stupid sheryl , went to laugh in hell on the way to mrt . lool but fortunately not hurt lah . that's all . byyyyyees
Friday, May 14, 2010
11:06 AM
![]() finally I'm here to update my bloggies ;D miss me already as not updating for 12 days . hoho 12days already? that is really long timee you know. finally exam freak is over, but it worries me about results mye ): please grades, get good results . don't make me cry over the poorest result, or else i really going to have hard time !! English and Maths was quite manageable but .. Science and CPA ??? just what happen? so jerky!! I would be satisfied if i pass all (: good luck (:
Sunday, May 02, 2010
3:29 PM
HIHI ! hey , why i still blogging uhhhs ? oh nevermind , since I am here . so lets me blog this (: hmm , tmr is holiday therefore , no sch . yeep ! however , tuesday is my English paper 2 ): i really do not if i can really pass my paper as i did not study until now -.- hey you ! STUDY LUHH ! |