PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Saturday, July 31, 2010
10:44 PM
YAY! it gonna end of July in 1hour and 15mins. Muahahha! 6 more days, arghhh surprise? thought surprise would be fun but it now making me curiosity about what people had plan. Forget it! Tomorrow will talk about it (: It already 10.50pm and need to sleep (: -.-
Thursday, July 29, 2010
6:58 PM
6:47 PM
had a feeling that i did not update my blog for long time .. heh okay today school, not that bad. First we had usual morning assembly, after that was English. Did some filing for worksheets and needed to hand up tomorrow .. sigh then CMES was next, the topic is about kinda of Deaf and Mute. watch video and a girl fell sick for 3 weeks and she become blind and mute - 'that is cartoon ' LOL! i still want to watch but the lesson was over ): then recess, went to HI room .. was boredd at that time and sleepy. then Mother Tougue, waited for Ms Lim so long cause i wanted to ask her something regarding Maths questions. Now finally i understood what she said. then blah blah all the way to Maths lesson. Tommorow Maths test): wanted to get FULL MARKS ! Fighting Angela! then after school went to classmate's house to play Pillows fighting. haha Quite scary leh, feel like running away from them. then went home in the end (: YAY!, will be going out with Wendy, Sheryl and Yanxin this coming Sat! It will be our first time hanging out with them xD Shall take more photos this time round (:
Sunday, July 25, 2010
1:06 PM
HIHI! I'm really looking foward to August as many things happening there. Like my birthday, National Day, Exams -.- and lastly is YOG uh! hehehehe! I want to have Headphone and Handphone badly ): So i awaiting for the price to lower $$$$ !! What to post about? hmph! i don't know, all i know is i am waiting for August to arrive. :D Exams are coming and i don't know how i am going to cope with my Science? Science freaking suck but i never like science at all ...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
4:43 PM
JUST 16!
16 DAYS AHHH?!?!?!
4:27 PM
♥191TH ;
♥191th post ; Yeah, it already been 191th post (: okay, today school was okay and the timing was quite fast today .. hmph! first of all, let's make a short post. -Had Music lesson in the morning was late for lesson as we were slacking around in the class -.- -After this was CPA, was confusing whether needed to put this or anot? -Recess time and collect something from Bookshop .. -Drama lesson and tittle of the story is 'HERO' . -Science, at first the English teacher came and realised it was not English period. LOL! HAHAHA! She was busy enough to attend the Hong Kong girls ... And saw Mansura and Thivya at the bus stop. Went to give to them a fright not knowing when i was there ;p Well, still have lots of laughter with them and fooling one another (:(: Hope it won't affect your N-Level and O-Level! FIGHTING GIRLS! Yesterday ah? (19th July 2010) What was the hell of that teacher? Won't probe about that.. heh, ate MAC with Wendy and Sheryl and i ordered a Spicy Nuggets set meal. Abit spicy but still wanna buy again :D:D:D:D:D:D
Sunday, July 18, 2010
3:53 PM
JUST 18.
1:42 PM
YO! hmphs, yesterday(170710) went out with mummy and her friends to Orchard. They arranged to meet at Chinatown before heading to Orchard Rd. Took bus there and reached there in 20minutes. Went shopping and Auntie Susan's daughter is getting married so therefore, she had to buy a grown for herself as a mother.. hahah then she needed to leave, so another Auntie came. Pardon me, i don't know all the auntie names. ;X at 4pm, ahead to Food court. I bought 'ice chendol.' Yummy* I was left bored as they were all speaking in Mandarin. Finish eating and walked around the shopping centre..... i forget the rest lah. Then walked to KFC.. then i thought why they still want to KFC after they had already eaten? Then i realised is for me? cause a little. So kind of her ^^ Then i ordered kinda of pizza and cheese fries. SO FULL and i eat slowly. Then went home at 7pm sharp. Today-18th July 2010 Currently watching 'Hello Baby'..Now esp 20 , gonna to finsh watching by today i think? I don't wanna the show to end .. ): IMY! Today ate Pork Chop with dad at my house area.. Quite nice but very full to finish it. okay shall stop hereeee.
Friday, July 16, 2010
6:18 PM
okay, today was freaking fun in class. first of all, had hhp in first period, we chatted all the way to 8.35am. after that was LifeArt means art lesson. My group members went to comp lab to research about YOG, 'Youth Olympic Games' sports and artists. end of lesson, the teacher assigned us do draw sports and i was chosen to be drawn badminton. I want table tennis leh. ): nevermind! after that was recess, chatted with Wendy & Sheryl. I can only see them once during recess =( Recess ended and had English lesson, the teacher still yet to come as she was consoling one of the Hong Kong girls as she was homesick. LOL? haha, we supposed to read a book but we played 'tic tac stone' for 2 periods like gambling, betting 5 cent. I'm pro player.. hahahah! jkjk. Then finally Maths, played tic tac stone again when teacher was teaching. CRAZY right? Then stayed back for half an hour to raise funds for skipping only. It worth you know, can get CIP points. Went up to Hall and skipped. Sheryl and I Skipped until like 400 plus. Wendy? skipped only 3 or 4 time. Really can't believe she can't skip at all. For Sheryl she skipped and skipped until it burst our ear. haha then went home loh, that all for today yeah. Reminder to Yanxin ; Mrs Chua says bring camera for CCA if you want to bring, Claira will be bringing her DSLR. COOL uh?
Monday, July 12, 2010
5:01 PM
Hey wassssup luh? heh just now was watching 'Hello baby' by SNSD. It really a nice show. You can also watch Shinee too. heh okay, this morning went to hall to learn how to dance YOG which appear in tv. I supposed you watched before right? not all classes bah. after that was Mother Tongue, same period with Wendy & Sheryl. we wrote on a piece of paper about something, secret :X then 9am, the teacher entered and taught us English. After that was Recess, nothing much over that. then finally SS? almark?! *WOW, i smell prawns from the kitchen, i meant at my home.. Continue ; Then lastly Maths and English. don't want to say heree. Boring bah. Then went home with Jerky Mansura.. heh ps; don't mind me calling you, kay? bought KFC while she bought curry puffs on the way home. HAHAHAHHAH! byyyyye, nothing to talk?
Friday, July 09, 2010
6:59 PM
Heyyyyys yo! Today school as usual and went to hall for assembly due to rain. So after assembly, went to basketball court for practicing retake NAPFA test. Of course i fail luhhh. -.- sad right? but then again, we have to do that every Monday and Friday ): then went back to class and had Art lessons. do some sketching and colouring and bleh blah ... after this was recess and had chat with Sheryl and Wendy. It been age i last ate with them (: Then had English next. Did one worksheet with classmates and write letter for Yanxin. While trying to write letter, Rosalind went to peek at my letter but unfortunately she fail to see that. hehehe (: Then lastly Maths, learnt new chapter and bleh blah. Also pass and throw letters one another as we were boredd despite the teacher teaching .. Then dismissed and waited for friends to go home. After that Mansura and i ahead to DG for lunch. Was guilty at that time ): SORRY D:
Monday, July 05, 2010
6:41 PM
Miss my long hair): YO wasssup!
Happy Youth holiday :D Had a hair cut at Bishan together with Rachael and mummy, but my fringe quite short and somemore too short to tie up my hair too. Began to look like 10 years old kids ... heh Won't cut until next year luhhhh! Regret leh.. Want to see my hair looked like, see tomorrow loh. If not, too bad lah.. Tomorrow schooling already .. -.- After had haircut, Rachael and me ahead to Bugis to meet Yanxin for a movie, Eclipse. Before meeting her, we bought potatoes chip. And meet Yanxin at Iluama cinema.. Each ticket cost 7.50 bucks . Cheap right? The movie was starting, after a short while, i don't understand what the movie was talking about ?! Fall asleep halfway but still make my eyes open wide . Then the last part, i still understand abit. so the end, the rating part is 3/5 .. After the movie ended , went to Bugis to take Neoprints .. Take take until don't know what happen.. But at least is nice =) Blehblah , the end went home.. shall stop here as i want watched channel 8 show already. byyyyyye
Saturday, July 03, 2010
8:14 PM
![]() 4days no blogging due to schooling. guess will be busy more often .. Last Wednesday, during cca Yanxin recommend videos of Suju to watch. Title is 'Unbelievable Outing' Was really hilarious and funny somemore, cute ^^ Watch on youtube using English subtitle . =] We really laughed in hell until our cheeks hurts and tears flowing.. and now i now watching at esp 12 . Quite fast right? bleh blah bleh. nothing to say already.. What am i doing? hmmm? watching channel 8 show and i still yet to take my bath . heh |