PROFILE-[ME] ![]() ![]() I'm[Angela_Yeo].♥ FIFTEEN . Am a die-hard fan of PINK but hate dark colour which does not fit me ! Currently at ST.AnthonyCanossianSecSch Photography and Designer is my life<3 "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o5o8 Leo♥ . Welcome To My Bloggie(: Love Me?? && I will Love you back HATE me? 'Click Here' & SHOOO lahhs! :D Best Viewed in Goggle Chrome* person LOVE me . ♥ NO VULGARITIES && SPAMMING !! Carvings ! hellos here ,; bold strike ☆FREEDOM ! ☆Memorable Belated on 15th ! ☆ ☆Headphone 'ONTO' ! ☆168cm && 48kg ! ☆ ☆ ☆New wallet ! ☆More fashion Clothes ! ☆Korean jacket ! ☆Handphone pouch ! ☆Colourful Hairbands ! ☆A bag ! ☆ ☆Digital camera ! ☆ ☆ Movies(3:
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Benjamin Lin
Sunday, September 26, 2010
2:43 PM
Blehbleh ... End Of Year Exam is coming on 4th October if I am not wrong . But then i seriously don't know how to study and need to memorise the format and formulas for Maths, Science and CPA! I wanted study but my hands just freaking touched the computer . LOL Exams are just one week away , really need my ass on study! Alright, all i can say is JIAYOU!
Monday, September 20, 2010
6:00 PM
Hello! Long time no see readers ! Hehehe .. Shall update my blog on 17th and 18th September :D Maybe a short story? Let's take a look. On 17th September, after school went to surprise Yanxin's and Mansura's birthday :D I lied to Yanxin that i got presents to give her , in addiction Mansura's one i lied that we going to Mac Donald as we did not eat for a long time. Hey birthday girls , how is my acting? Pretty good right? I almost got worried when Mansura got tutorial last minute on that day ): HAHAHA! Yanxin finished her photo taking , and i walked damn fast to the canteen. When she saw the seniors , she kinda of embarrassed ^^ We celebrated their birthday and sang a song.. Woohoo! Chatted with seniors and catching up what they doing , so yeah! Thank Jiayi for the yellow things yea (: plus Chanying for the pink socks (: Thank you so much for the gifts :D:D:D:D Went home and took MRT with them . We talked about SNSD! ♥♥My favourite Korean idol!♥♥ ![]() ![]() On 18th September , played computer until 3pm. Walked to Mansura's house and saw seniors dropped down from bus. First time went there although her house was near to my house ... -.- Chatted and ate cookies . Super tasty , the homemade cookies :D Bleh blah ... left her house at 5.45pm , and ahead to HillLock park for my brother 21st birthday. Happy Birthday yeah, be more matured lah. Zzzzz leaded them to the park while i went home to change my short. Quite hot over there . Met my aunt's family and so on .. ate like buffets and BBQ. Mentioning BBQ ah, it make my eyes tearing -.- My first time yeah, quite smoking. Till night at 8plus, Cutting cake time. even put the photo there. Zzzz then whatever lah. Damn tired on that day. Slept at 2am and woke up 1pm. ♥Oh yeah, HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY BESTIE! I LOVE YOU!♥ Glad that you like my presents (: TREASURE IT!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
4:00 PM
Hello, it been more than a week i last update due to snsd ! HAHA sorry ah, was too active on YouTube-ing. doing what? of course hilarious videos and some variety show. ♥♥ I loveee it too max ♥♥ It all started this year , i really know why i so addicted to it. HAHAH well, school is getting boring and less . Nowadays , teachers kept absenting , i prefers her teaching than another teacher. shooo lah ... Now what? hmphs ..... watch SNSD's show of course or tumblr-ing and facebook-ing. i really lazy to update for now ... If you are bored, i can recommend videos like Charity Cafe Event , Girls Go To School and Horror Movie Factory . Pardon me ah, all SNSD's variety show :X Ps: The font and sizes are totally different, i don't know why. So don't really bother with it (:
Monday, September 06, 2010
3:21 PM
5th September 2010
HIHI! September holidays are already here, and here i am slacking around .Hehe Actually got Maths homeworks to do but don't want to do. LOL! Poor me, tomorrow got to go back to school for brain gym and Thursday too. Wednesday got, cause CCA bah. Zzzzz Yesterday went Bugis at late night. so yeah, finally bought it after waiting for 2 years (:(: 5th September 2010 always. Easy to remember cause 5th is my birthday :L and today went to have early lunch at Chinatown Swensens with aunts and cousins. Ordered Fish baked rice. Yummy yummy :L and then shopping and went home.. HAHAHA! There are many things going on.. especially on 23rd October !!!!! Wait, I'm coming over :p Thank mummy, 5th Sepember 2010 :L
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
11:12 AM
Hello here to blog again.. It's is already 1st September which mean it is the new beginning of new month. Today is Teacher's Day as well as who ah? Jerky Mansura of course! That's the nickname i called her since she called me edddiot -.- well, yesterday was Teacher's day celebration. went to school later than the usual time. Cool uh? woke up at 6.40am by myself.. Since my mum is not at home. then took reached to Bedok interchange and saw Wendy and Rui Yi. after that reached to school and saw Yanxin at the bus stop. Supposed to meet her in the bus but there were two buses. Aiya, so sotong! had morning assembly, and it was totally hot in the morning!! HOT! after assembly, dancing. Don't know what this for some more i don't know the steps cause i went for Brain Gym that's why i miss it. danced until like crazy with Sheryl and Wendy. then headed to Hall and welcome to teachers. bleh blah all the way to dismissal time. at 11pm Wendy Sheryl and Yanxin and myself to Bugis for fun. Ate Mac Donald for lunch waited for 12noon to strike. xD had FUN there especially Sheryl, the loud speakers. Zzzzz Wendy wanted to buy Sunglasses and she bought it after a long time choosing this. Ought to buy the proper one lah -.- then don't know where to go and head to Library. Sit on the children's chair and played. Took photos but it was blur .. then went home in the end ................................................ |