"What is trust to you?"
and to me, Trust take years to build but a second to destroy

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Friday, May 11, 2012 ,
5:14 PM

Still got four months to actual N-level. It really insane.
No more slacking after June holiday! I TRY UH!
But what I am waiting now is the results. I really don't know how I fare well.
Since I am already in Sec4 life. #sadlife ):
But must have the confident right. I just keep saying to myself. If you didn't do well, not to worry, there is prelim 2 before N-level start.

Sunday, January 01, 2012 ,
2:57 PM
HELLO 2012, GOODBYE 2011 ):

It is new beginning of the year - 2012! Time files .. Goodbye to 2011 :< Aww. Anyway Happy New Year ^^ School is approaching soon which is 2days away. You believe? Everything will be back to one sqaure, studying and I will be taking my final year , N-level. Didn't study anthing during the last two months ): opps! ~ Unnie is lazy yeah. Hahaha! AHHHH! I don't want to go back to school. If i have the chance, rewind back to November 2011 to enjoy the very last. (: Well, people, just accept your reality. Lastly, let do well for our exams in 2012 and achieve the goal you want ^^


Monday, December 05, 2011 ,
1:45 PM


It been a while, that is roughly about 6 months. Okay, like W.O.W!
Recently, I received a letter from Ministry of Education? I supposed?
I got the scholarship awards again ^^ Damnn happy although it is my second time getting it.
Well, my effort has been paid effort off but i wasn't satisfied with my results ....
Next year onward will be my final year which i will be taking my N-level.
Damn scary right? Yes, i am afraid.
As there will be course works which it quite a lot, can't afford to fall sick. T.T
But i will work harder to achieve my goal and get into good course. I know i can i do it. :D
Hmmm, 2nd Brother's 21st Birthday this Friday! WooHoo! Hopefully the party successful uh.
Quite number of my family members' birthday fall on Friday. COOL UH!

My Christmas wish is to get good results for N-level and get to see GIRL GENERATION :D

Okay, Nothing to say already. Ps: I am having holiday right now. Soon school reopening. That's fast ): AHHHHHH, time please go slower okay. I will appreciate that. Okay, bye for now!!


Saturday, June 04, 2011 ,
1:46 PM

Hi, It been a month since i last update.
Nothing much to post there unlike last time..
Well, June holiday is here however this week was so tiring but fun yeah.
This week was totally desperate, tons of things to do..
I am unsure whether my dream has really come true or been crush. Well, Can't say anything yet :x
Countdown-ing now - 8 more days (:
Am i excited or crying? Hahaha ..
Hope everything goes smoothly for this week and next week! ): *PRAY HARD*
I seriously wanna see kpop badly ): haha, Random here.
Alrights, gotta watch CLIF since i miss yesterday show ..

Ps: It seems as we are difting far far away. Well, you and me have changed ): Isnt? Life is always like that ..

Sunday, April 03, 2011 ,
12:09 PM

Last Friday was Jogathon's 3.2km for SACSS and also April fool's day. Haha!
Managed to fool one person. (: And i was fooled twice time. LOL!
Okay, when it is our turn, Secs' 3 , 4 and 5 fun run.
While running, i thought it can't complete the 3.2km run.
But i managed to finish. It took around 20minutes.
Awesome anot? Thanked god, i managed to get it to the top 100th (:
Shall not continued .
So after the Jogathon , Mansura, Wend , Yanxin and I went Library before heading to Mac Donald.
Entered the Library and sat on the sofa..
Just to enjoy the air-con and read book quietly (:
Around 20minutes later, they found me, and Wendy had gone home as she was tiredd..
YanXin and I ordered fish fillet meal. Yummy yummy (:
Mansura ordered don't know what chicken burger. LOL.
Then we chit chat as we eat.
Alrights, nothing much to say here.

Ps; Those who ever judge me, is a bitchy! Tyvm...

Friday, March 25, 2011 ,
7:09 PM

YO! I'm back to blog again (:
Just now was watching Secret for Sale, I mean the show .. Haha!
It was nice, but a pity March holiday is over, and needed to sleep as schooling is here!
Timetable was simply awesome as i can get to chat with friends at the same recess but except Wednesday and Friday ):
Today went to school with Wendy as usual (:
Then assembly and went to hall for briefing about the NAPFA test. It held in school? LOL!
Usually 2.4km , at Reservoir.. Whatever is it.
Then went for CPA lesson followed by Maths ..
I really hate that Maths teacher, won't bother to explain one. When i need help, i ask one question then i still don't get it.. He walked away. What is this uh !
Zzzzz, skip that. Had recess.
With Yanxin , Wendy and Xinyi (: (Y)
After recess, headed back to class then F&N.
Interesting, cooking lesson will be on eggs. So eggs dishes yes.
I don't the dishes were called. But damned delicious.
Dismissed slightly late.
Then saw Wendy at canteen. Waiting for Sheryl as we wanted to go Library.
While waiting, played 'shortie' s phone game.
The level at 92 but managed to level till 30 , so around 122 in about 20mins. I pro hor? (:
She don't in the end, so she and I took bus to Bugis Library. It took about 25mins to reach there.
Wendy was hungry, so went 7-elven when alighted at bus stop.
She gave me half of her bread . Yummy yummy....
Then in , was looking for the book of 'eggs' for coursework. But in the end, can't find it.
Have to go to Bukit Merah there. Zzzz.
So i borrow the childish books. Long time no see you, my friend.
Hahha, opps, was referring to the book i last read . hehehe
Then at 4pm, we went home separately.
Here i am , on computer-ing!

Thursday, February 24, 2011 ,
4:42 PM

Nowadays, blogging is not fun as the last time.
As not much people updating often unlike everyday in the past. 
Anyway, common test is just next week till end of Friday. 
I'm feeling nervous whenever is comes to exams. It's driving me nuts like didn't study that much.
Insane man! I'm happy with the marks that i score well enough to please me. LOL?
Hehehe, that's me, right. 
Just what exactly is friendship means? Whatever, shall won't elaborate.

Sunday, January 23, 2011 ,
2:17 PM

Just one week before Chinese New Year (: Hoho, getting lots of hongbao. Yay!
Alright, school is just as normal just like last year. It just that home works increase by 5%. Haha?
Tomorrow Bintan camp but i am not going, so just camping in school. Who care luh.
Don't want to get sun brunt . hehehe. ENJOY IT!
Well, i am too excited " SECRET "!! It's like my wish has come true.
But to me it is impossible. It just a dream.
But i slapped and pinched my face to see if I'm dreaming. LOL?
HAHA! Well, will tell you when it is the right time, probably 4month? 6month or could even be a year.
Last week, was a hell! Been busy, staying back, learning journey and Survey. TSK!
TOO TIRED that i almost forgot to bring F&N stuffs.

Well, I wanted to say to that 'PERSON'!!!
To her, Tell me straight from my face if you are not happy, why tell on other. Look at you, Your attitude simply suck, saying that you are friendly? What is this uh-ah? I might not be friendly, but i can choose to be random to choose to say ''HI'' whom i feel like... Why say HI when you don't?

Saturday, January 08, 2011 ,
3:14 PM

School is back as usual. Dislike my timetable especially recess and mother tongue cannot meet up with my friends ):  Well, now the principal become strict nowadays. That's is super insane!! Well, need to work hard on F&N and EBS seriously. That's new to me. Get at least 'B', can? lols. Just change my song. Pardon me, only ONE SONG. That song is really lively. Hehe. Listen to it, if you dare. Kidding luhs. I seriously 'hate' that Maths teacher. He damn talkative. Zzzzz. Yay! Will be collecting the Edusave scholarship next Sunday!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 ,
3:29 PM

YO! I'm back!
However, do see my blog once a week or two.
Cause I'm not gonna update often ):
My frindge seems to be a little longer, should have cut a little.
Why am i talking about this. haha? Whatever anyway.
What a pity 2010 is gonna end soon and even holiday too and school is reopening soon ):
UH sigh sigh sigh sigh! ..
Hehe, Homework is like 80% completed. Yeah, I'm lazy to do that.
Uh yeah, 010111 which mean this coming sat 1st January 2011 is my 10th Anniversary with my best friend, Yanxin :D
10th year long friendships with her. Yay! :D :D :D
Now what am i doing? Watching WGM of KhunToria. Also YongHyun (:
I love the way where they are . So cuteeeeeee ^^
Hahaha, well, nothing much there to update.
It feeel like I'm talking crap here. lol lol.